Long Term Leadership


What do we value?

Our Story

Our Kids' Future

How might we become good ancestors for future generations? We share the purpose and calling towards long term perspective and leadership:

Might we create a window of opportunity and become good ancestors?
What if we act and perform towards an inclusive legacy for future generations?
What happens if we zoom out our and include the wellbeing of all generations?

We include perspectives in the story of our future, our kids' future. We coach and facilitate you to include the most desirable future of our kids and their wellbeing. We experience and practice our leadership in action.

What Might be Our Calling?

Gifts and Capacities


We include our kids' future in its' most desirable future. We BE LEAF in the future and the world of our great grandchildren.

We give future generations a voice and place. What would future generations do? How might we serve their needs, interests and wellbeing?

What might we do today for the most desirable future? How might the trajectory of lang term perspective in action look like?


We serve the wellbeing of our kids' future in practice
Practice towards the most desirable future of all generations

Re-design and re-frame long term stories in our leadership

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